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Book Writing: 20 Tips On How To Format A Book 

Formatting is one of the most important part in book writing and its mostly said that your editor is your best friend. They want you to succeed and will help you every step of the way—including offering formatting tips for your book.

  1. Put margins, gutters, and chapter breaks:

Your editor will help you format your book to have proper margins, gutters, and chapter breaks.

  1. Set up headers and footers:

Headers and footers are important for keeping your pages consistent and easy to navigate. Your editor can help you set up the perfect headers and footers for your book.

  1. Use Styles:

Styles help maintain consistency in your book’s formatting. By using styles, your editor can quickly fix any errors or inconsistencies that pop up.

  1. Create a Table of Contents:

A table of contents helps readers find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. Your editor can create one for you or show you how to do it yourself.

  1. Choose  the right font:

The wrong font can make your book look unprofessional. Your editor will help you choose a font that’s easy to read and looks great.

  1. Set up page numbers:

Page numbers are essential for keeping track of your place in the book. Your editor can help you set them up so they look neat and professional.

  1. Add images and graphics:

Images and graphics can enhance your book and make it more visually appealing. Your editor can help you choose the perfect ones for your book.

  1. Design the cover:

Your book cover is the first thing readers will see, so it’s important to make a good impression. Your editor can help you design a cover that’s eye-catching and professional.

  1. Choose the right paper:

The type of paper you use can affect the look, feel, and quality of your book. Your editor can help you choose the best paper for your book.

  1. Bind the book:

Binding your book properly is essential for making it look professional and preventing pages from falling out. Your editor can help you choose the best binding method for your book.

  1. Get an ISBN:

An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is required if you want to sell your book commercially. Your editor can help you get one for your book.

  1. Copyright your book: 

Copyrighting your book will help protect your intellectual property. Your editor can help you copyright your book so you can rest assured it’s protected.

  1. Market your book:

Once your book is published, you’ll need to market it to reach your target audience. Your editor can help you create a marketing plan and get started on promoting your book.

  1. Set up an author website:

An author website is a great way to connect with readers and promote your books. Your editor can help you set up a professional website that showcases your work.

  1. Use social media:

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your book and connecting with readers. Your editor can  help you create a social media plan to promote your book.

  1. Give readings and interviews:

Readings and interviews are great opportunities to connect with readers and promote your book. Your editor can help you prepare for these events so you make the most of them.

  1. Teach a class or workshop:

If you’re an expert on your book’s subject matter, teaching a class or workshop is a great way to promote it. Your editor can help you develop a curriculum and market your class.

  1. Sell foreign rights:

If you’re interested in selling foreign rights to your book, your editor can help you navigate the process and find the right publisher.

  1. Get book reviews:

Book reviews can help promote your book and give potential readers an idea of what it’s about. Your editor can help you get start on getting positive reviews for your book.

    1. Hire a publicist:

If you want to take your promotion to the next level, getting book writing services will be a great problem solver. Your editor can help you find the right publicist for your book.


Book writing and editing  an important step in the publishing process. A professional editor can help you turn your manuscript into a polished, professional book that’s ready for publication. Working with an editor is a great way to ensure your book is the best it can be. If you’re interested in finding an editor for your book, check out our directory of editing services.

For more suggestion please feel free to contact us

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