Are You A Makeup Addict?
We’re Stylight and we’re both makeup addicts. We’re utterly obsessed with our makeup and do not plan to change anytime very soon. Are you feeling like this? There’s no need to judge here, ladies it’s an appropriate space.
If you’re aware of which mascaras are most effective, which eco-friendly brands are the hottest newcomers on the scene How do you properly clean your face, odds are you’re a risk of becoming an addict to makeup, too. We wondered what are the most obvious indicators of a problem with makeup. What is the point at which knowledge of what eye makeup suits your eye color, is entering into dangerous territory? There’s no need to feel ashamed we’re there with you.
These are the top 10 signs you’re addicted to makeup.
1. Eyebrows don’t mean anything to you anymore.
You’ve got that method locked down. You’re annoyed by the buzzy microblading everybody is getting into. It’s like, ugh. you need to learn how to correctly fill them in. Duh
2. You’ve got the cat’s eye in your pocket.
You were a pro at that many years ago.
3. You’ve no time for overlining your lips.
…You’re all too focused on how the next Pinterest trend in lip colors is. (And this is currently rose gold as of the way.)
4. It hurts physically to see someone drop the makeup bag.
A damaged concealer or eyeshadow kit can be the best way to torture yourself.
5. In that vein Airport security is your idea of an absolute nightmare.
What is it that you’re going to do? You’ve got beauty products that are expensive and we’ll excuse you when they’re smaller than 100mL. In fact, they’re enough to fill the carry-on weight limit.
6. You aren’t sure where all of your money is going.
…And the next thing you know, it’s inside your bathroom drawer. and the bathroom cabinet. and a bag. Also, a bedside table.
7. There’s nothing more sexier for you than fresh-opened (insert product of beauty here).
Any new and beautiful makeup item will work.
8. You’re familiar with the shade names for all of your favorite brands and products.
As beautiful as a Rain Man of makeup.
9. There’s been no free sample that you didn’t like.
That’s why it’s taking up the majority of space in the under-sink cabinet…
10. More brushes are there than hair on your head.
You take care of these adorable animals as if you would your children.
“Puffs, powders, patches, bibles, billet-doux” -Alexander Pope. The very same line that was written by Alexander Pope in his epic”The Rape of the Lock’, could serve as a literary classic to show the religious nature of fashion during the 17th century. Fashion gets elevated to the status of religion by the magical lines, and the religion (Bible) is reduced to the point of being a joke to be a mere flimsy! !
Why not…the shimmer of a sanguined lipstick can disarm the greatest warriors! If you’re addicted to makeup, then you could be a narco-smoker. In this scenario, you’ll require additional details on addiction treatment available in San Antonio and find out whether they can treat your addiction to makeup.
Humankind has always celebrated and admired the beautiful qualities that women possess… Merriam Webster described beauty as “the quality and quantity of Qualities that a person has.”
Beauty is not reduced to exterior glare and sparkle. Experience, passion, compassion intelligence, wisdom, and many other human characteristics are what make us beautiful. Women have these traits more than tuff and rough men. Beautiful women are the result of God’s grace.
Pros and Cons of Makeup
Everything on the planet is a two-sided Coin. They come with benefits as well as drawbacks. Similar is true for Makeup. Here are some advantages of using makeup.
1. The purpose of makeup is to increase the beauty of your exterior. It is done because you’d like to appear more attractive than you do in real life.
2. It’s important to say that each person has beauty in their birth. There is no one who is ugly in the world, since beauty transcends superficial external factors.
However, if you consider that you’re not secure then you make up to calm the storm of fear within you.
3. In many countries it is accepted that wearing makeup is as a norm of society. Therefore, women of all ages wear makeup to improve the look of their exteriors.
4. Many people feel confident and confident when they apply makeup. It is because makeup energizes people from inside.
5. Another trifle! Women love makeup on men which is why a lot of women have a chance of meeting a potential partner (though certain women only see the beauty within themselves).
6. The use of makeup techniques can assist an individual to create stunning photos.
In the midst of these positives, there are some solid arguments against makeup. We’re sure that you will not be a fan of the entire list!
1. In the first place, spending huge sums of money for beautification isn’t recommended.
2. It was discovered in a study that the use of makeup can cause skin damage more quickly.
3. The majority of makeup products comprise of chemicals that could negatively impact the skin. These harmful chemicals have the potential to harm your skin completely! !
4. It takes a lot of time to get involved with makeup. This is the reason why women require more time than guys to apply makeup and make-up prior to attending an event.
5. You’re not in that beauty-centric and are learning and updating your knowledge on cosmetics and products that will fit with your fellows. It takes long time to master and stay current on modern or trending cosmetics.
6. Studies have shown that there are potential negative health effects that could be a result of applying makeup. This is why this issue must be considered.
7. Additionally, since makeup components contain toxic chemicals, it can cause an allergic reaction on your skin. It is possible that you will experience wrinkles or dry skin.
So if you’ve got an obsession with makeup, then you must be aware of the negative aspects.
The Addiction to Makeup
Are there several soaps and shampoos stored in the caddy of your shower? Do you always have cosmetics and face creams from different brands but just use one? Are you accuse of having your bathroom appears like an establishment for beauty treatments?
I’m afraid you’ve turned into an COSMOHOLIC. This is a sign that you’re overly involved and being in a state of obsession and awe with enhancing your appearance every day and all the time. Based on the Dr. Ranae Reinardy, the creator of the Lakeside Center for Behavioral Changes certain people are prone to spend too much and keep beauty products that are available.
These tendencies are a result of psychological disorders such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCDs), Compulsive Spending, Anxiety as well as depression.
Evidence That You Are Makeup Addict
These are the indicators that indicate that you’ve turned into an addicted beauty lover.
1. If you spot someone sporting stunning nail polish, you’d hurry to her and become acquaintances with her, so that you can learn about the brand’s name and the source of supply.
2. If you’re constantly organizing and organizing your lipstick collection according to brand or color, you’ve gotten addicted to makeup.
3. It’s a bit depressing to realize that when you purchased your favourite deodorant, the manufacturer offered an offer of discount to purchase the deodorant.
4. You are constantly testing new products , and then stand in front of the mirror. It’s as if you’re doing it every day.
5. It is rude when people praise your natural beauty, but not the ones with makeup. People say,” You look good even without makeup!” If you are ever astonished by these remarks you feel the tremors in your body.
6. You pay your hard-earned dollars purchasing the high-end products that are used by film and TV stars.
7. Sometimes, you may not have a lot of knowledge about movie stars, yet you are still influenced by their styles.
8. It is common to wait impatiently for your favourite collection to be sold at a discount. However, once you’ve found the bargain you’ll be unable to resist the urge to purchase immediately once they’re being sold.
9. You continue to practice your eyeliner application techniques to master them over the shortest time.
If you are feeling that you’ve cultivated the same habits over the passage of time, you’ll need to admit that it’s not all well. It is best to consult with a psychologist. There’s no reason to wait. However, ignoring it could lead to unanticipated complexities…so consult an expert psychologist right now.