![Potato Farming](https://keyposting.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Potato-Farming-780x470.jpg)
The most prominent food crop (Solanum tuberosum) is potato in the world. The potato crop has become the friend of poor’s man. For more than 300 years, the country engaged in the cultivation of potatoes. Potato Farming also contains several amino acids such as tryptophan, isoleucine, and leucine, etc. Potatoes have a rich source of especially vitamin C, starch, and B1, as well as minerals. It has 0.3 percent fat, 1.1 percent crude fiber and 0.9 percent ash, 20.6 percent carbohydrates, 2.1 percent protein, etc. . Potatoes are an economical food, thus laying a source of low-cost energy to the human diet. For mix-in vegetables and individual vegetables, a potato has become a popular crop in India.
The power tiller is highly used in potato farming, and the power tiller price is affordable and reasonable, available in the Tractorjunction.com. Potatoes have emerged as an essential vegetable in India. Potatoes are called the king of vegetables as well. It uses in several industries to make different items with the help of alcohol and starch for sizing yarn in textile mills, and laundries used potato starch (farina). It uses in the production of glucose and dextrin and for uses in dried products such as shredded potatoes, potato chips, sliced etc.
Potatoes grow in almost all states of India. Although, the major potato growing states are Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, etc.
Varieties of Potato Farming
Potatoes grow in diverse agro-climatic conditions. It is the best time for growing varieties and giving high yields. Predominantly the potato growing zone in India would be classified into three parts. The eastern hills, the northern plains, northern hills, the plateau region, and the southern hills, etc. The Kharif season grows in the hills of the north with long days. Water stresses during the emergence and early growth phase, whereas it is always exposed to late blight infection during the maximum bulk phase.
Potato crop duration can be between 120 – 150 days because crop duration is 100- 120 days short in the west, but a short spring crop can also be raised. At present, Kufri Anand, Kufri Ashoka, and Kufri Bahar have been recommended for the central plains. In contrast, Kufri Chandramukhi, Kufri Sutlej, Kufri Jawahar are recommended for the western plains. Kufri Sindhuri, Kufri Ashoka, and Kufri Pukhraj have been recommended for the eastern plains.
Soil For Potato Farming
Any kind of soil can be used for potato growing except alkaline and saline soil. Sandy loam soils and Loamy are suitable in organic matter with aeration, and good drainage is most salient for potato crop cultivation. The PH range 5.2-6.4 that consider ideal soil
Climate For Potato Farming
The potato grows in a diverse range of climatic conditions; however, the potato grows in the moderately cool seasons. The vegetable growth temperature is 24°C, whereas tuber development is 20°C. Potatoes grow in the summer crop hills and as a winter crop in the tropical and subtropical regions.
Propagation For Potato Farming
Selection of Seed Tuber
Planting tubers is the best cultivator for the potato crop. Healthy seed tubers and the purity of the cultivars are the foremost requirements for a thriving crop, but the seed tuber found the highest price in potato cultivation. It is disseminated to use the entire seed tuber for planting. The tuber seed should be well-sprouted, 30-40 g each in weight and disease-free. Hill tuber seeds are split into pieces after they are planted in winter because they do not decay via mild temperature. Cutting large size tubers’ main motive is to retrench the cost of seed and to attain uniform sprouting.
Some of the important problems such as high seed cost, shortage of good quality seed tubers, transportation of bulky potato seed, and virus infiltration in the seed tuber as planting material.
True Potato Seed (TPS)
True Potato Seed is a botanical seed developing in the berry plant as an outcome of fertilization. Production of True Potato Seed has the basic technology and extends commercial potato crop from it. It has been shown that seeding-tubers as seed and TPS seedling transplants are successful and economic approaches to commercial potato production.
The potato crop verbalized as TPS seedlings raised in nursery beds, transplanted and grown to maturity.
Non- seed-producing areas such as Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, where the best quality seed tubers are either not accessible or too expensive, use the TPS technology.
Season of Planting For Potato Farming
Some conditions define in growing the potato, such as temperatures during the growing season are moderately cool; that’s why there is a difference in the planting time from region to region. For example, in Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh, the spring to sow from January to February while the month of may summers crop to sow. End of June, sow the Kharif crop in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka, while October to November sows the rabi crop.
Method of Planting For Potato farming
Before planting, Furrows open at a distance of 50-60 cm. The cut tubers and whole are planted 15-20 cm, moreover at a depth of 5-7 cm on the center of the ridge and covered with the soil. 1% As low as tuber damage while it needs exclusively 2-3 persons for the entire operation.
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