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How to Clean Crazed Victorian Tiles?

Victorian tiles have been around for hundreds of years and were used by the elite and rich people back in the old days. It creates a traditional and unique look when used in any space.  Victorian tiles are geometric patterns, traditional and contemporary designs. These tiles were popular during the 18 century and have been used for interior work specifically in churches, houses, and palaces. Victorian tiles are durable and reliable just like porcelain tiles.

Why choose Victorian tiles

Victorian flooring is slip-resistant, which is why they are preferred and can be used outside for porch, outdoor pathways and patios. These traditional tiles are available in a different range of shapes, colours. patterns and sizes. Victorian floor tiles are long-lasting and easy to maintain. It has a matte finish to it but you may also add a glossy layer to it for a sleek finish. To this day black and white Victorian tiles continue to be trendy and are considered a classy tile selection by many.

Victorian tiles are an ideal choice and give off an antique vibe to the room. If you are willing to buy Victorian tiles UK you can choose from thousands of different designs and patterns and we bet you will definitely find the perfect fit for your house.

Victorian tiles maintenance

Cleaning crazed tiles

First, off you must start with a clean tile base. Sometimes hard, old trapped residue and stains on tiles are hard to remove. Cleaning can make a difference when it comes to cleaning the crazed tiles. Keeping mind that every tile is different from others and should be cleaned with different solutions., in this case, the solution must be friendly with Victorian tiles.

The best way to clean the Victorian tiles is to use a buffing machine with fiber disc, water, and soap. The use of fiber discs can avoid damage to the tiles or you can also use chlorine-based bleach and water, scrubbing it until it’s cleaned. Now you’re ready to move on to the crucial step of eliminating the crazed effect.

Crazed Victorian tiles are referred to as those tiles which occur from a glazing defect as a result of a mismatch and more shrinking of the glaze as compared to the tile’s clay body. They tend to appear as hairline cracks on glazed tile surfaces (after firing), but can be fixed, fortunately. Minor cracks are repairable with a minimal amount of paint and clear epoxy, however, before that, it is essential the tile is thoroughly cleaned and dry before application.

Victorian tiles are easy to maintain because they are extremely durable and hard to break. They can actually last for a great amount of time, making it a reliable choice among other tiles options. After cleaning them like a professional, you should regularly mop them and keep heavy furniture away from them to avoid scratches. Follow these simple tips and tricks to retain the quality of your tiles and they will be good in no time. White Victorian bathroom tiles continue to be trendy and are considered a classy tile selection by many.

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