Tomato Farming – Nursing Farming With Suitable Climate and Land
Nursery Making For Tomato Cultivation
![Tomato Farming - Nursing Farming With Suitable Climate and Land](
Tomato Farming is growing acutely in every country in net houses, greenhouses, and outdoor fields. The tomato producing leading countries are Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Brazil, and Italy. After potato and onion, the 3rd largest vegetable is tomato in the world.
For all the farming power tiller necessary in the field and among the power tiller, the farmer mainly uses the VST power tiller. Therefore, we can define it as an enormous cultivated crop in India. Tomato is the one very core vegetable according to nutrition and income. Tomatoes can be cultivated throughout the year, but mostly, it is predominantly a summer crop. Profuse quantity of antioxidant and vitamins A and vitamin C contained in this potato farming.
Tomatoes are fresh fruits, and they are cooked with all vegetables and can be cooked individually for pickles, soups. Ketchup and chutneys etc.
Warm-season is suitable for this climate, and tomato cultivation, the ideal temperature is 20-25 °C, and red color with excellent quality develops in tomatoes at 21-24 °C temperature.
Because of the excessive heat ( temperature above 43 °C), the plant gets burnt. As a result, small fruits and flowers also fall, while less than 13°C and greater than 35 °C retrench the fruits’ quality and production of red color ratio.
Tomato farming requires a wide range of soil, but it grows well on deep, good drainage ability with well-drained soils. Medium black and sandy loam soil are considered to be the best suitable for tomato farming.
Soil PH must be at 6-7 with soil with excellent drainage properties in Tomato farming.
Nursery Making For Tomato Cultivation
- May-June, September- October, and December-January are suitable months for raising the seed for Kharif, rabi, and summer crops.
- Before preparing a nursery, select the land destroyed by harmful bacteria and fungi, larvae of pests, etc.
- Prepare that the 120 cm and 3-4 meter long in width raise the bed and height is 15 cm.
- Sow the seeds and Mark the lines on the bed; after that, cover with loose soil.
- Consequently, cover the beds and sprinkle the water with paddy straw organic and kept as it is until the seeds germinate.
- Basically, Within 30 to 45 days of transplanting seed, the condition of the open field irrigates the nursery as and when required.
- Seeds are raised in naturally ventilated poly houses within 25 to 30 days when nursery raising in the open field is impossible.
Advanced Varieties
Improved Variety:
HS101, HS102, HS110,Hisar Arun,Hisar Lalit, Hisar Lalima, Hisar Anmol,Co-1, CO 2, CO 3, S-12,PKM 1,Punjab Chhuhara,Pant Bahar,Pusa Early Dwarf, Arka Saurabh,Arka Ahuti ,Arka Vikas,Arka Meghal, Pusa Ruby, Pusa- 120, Pusa shital, Pusa Gaurav, Solan Gola,Pant Bahar, Pant T3 etc.
Hybrids Verity:
COTH 1 Hybrid Tomato, Rashmi, MTH 4, Naveen, Rupali, Avinash 2, Pusa Hybrid 1, Pusa Hybrid 2, Pusa Hybrid 3, Arka Abhijit, Arka Vishal, Arka Shresta, Gulmohar, Sadabahar, Sonali, Arka Vardan, Vaishali etc.
Treat with a fungicide like Bavistin and humic acid, Before transplanting plants in the field.
Summer season, 75 x 45 cm, and maintain spacing 75 x 60 cm after transplanting is done in the rainy season.
For the tomato crop, using a drip irrigation method, transplanting is to be done in a paired row system with the spacing of 50cm x 50cm.
Fertilizers And Manure
- Mix the well-decomposed and broadcast FYM thoroughly at 20 to 25 t/ha in the soil during land preparation.
- Then add 60 kg of basal fertilizer, 60kg of potash, 60kg per hectare, and 80 kg of Phosphorus.
- Therefore give 30 kg of nitrogen to the crop, After 30 to 45 days of planting.
Weed Control
- Start the first weeding operation 20 to 25 days after transplanting.
- Always maintain a clean and weed-free field as weeds compete with the crop and provide shelter to various harmful insects.
- Alternatively, you can use organic mulch such as sugarcane waste, which controls about 60% of weeds.
Harvesting the plants usually begins in 75 to 90 days from planting. During this time, consider the market distance and mode of transport. Tomato harvesting must be the following rule:-
1)Green stage
For long distant markets, if you are sending tomato fruit, harvest with green color at the stage of maturity.
2) pink stage
Change the color from green to pinkish when the tomato is harvested. That time is the best time to send this type of fruit to a nearby market.
3) Maturity stage
Fruit is reddish on the tree after it is harvested and then sold in the local market.
4) Full maturity
When the fruit is entirely reddish or slightly red on the tree, then the fruits are helpful to make durable materials like sauce, soup, chutney, ketchup, etc.
For more Information regarding any fruit and vegetable cultivation, stay tuned with us.