Signs that could indicate you have HPV in your mouth

HPV in the mouth is difficult to identify and occurs when you have habits like oral sex and smoking.
The Virus of the papilloma human or HPV is very common, in fact, it is estimated that almost all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives. Despite this, when the diagnosis is confirmed, it generates distrust and stress with the partner.
There are many types of HPV, and some can cause health problems such as genital warts and cancers. It is possible to become infected through oral, vaginal and anal sex, so we can believe that when we contract it, we can not enjoy intimacy anymore.
The Human Papillomavirus or HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection and it is estimated that there are more than 100 types, of which, approximately 40 can be transmitted both to the genital areas and to the mouth and throat through practices such as the oral sex. Know the signs that you could have HPV in your mouth.
Many sexually active people are exposed to oral HPV throughout their lives and, in fact, figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that up to 10% of men and 3.6% of women have it.
Most eliminate HPV without any treatment within one or two years, but in some, the infection persists and manifests itself with some signs that we will explain below.
HPV in the mouth
The HPV can infect the genitals but also the mouth and throat, especially when performed oral sex without protection and give kisses deep language. This virus can evolve and cause cancers of the oropharynx or the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils.
In fact, it is estimated that 70% of oropharyngeal cancers are caused by the presence of HPV in the mouth over many years.
How to recognize HPV in the mouth? Generally, there are no visible signs, although low-risk strains can cause warts in the mouth or throat.
They do not hurt and are not carcinogenic, they can reappear and the dentist may recommend removing them with surgery.
However, in most cases there are no symptoms, so you can unknowingly have HPV in your mouth and spread it to other people.
Symptoms often indicate the onset of oropharyngeal cancer
According to the United States National Library of Medicine, when many years pass and the virus causes oropharyngeal cancer, initial symptoms such as:
-Sore throat that lasts more than 2 to 3 weeks and does not go away with antibiotics
-Swallowing problems
-Swollen lymph nodes
-Protuberance on the neck or cheek
-Abnormal breathing sounds
-Unexplained weight loss
Detecting any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have cancer, but it is essential to go to the dentist immediately to have a review of the mouth and possible injuries.
If the specialist suspects the presence of HPV cancer in the mouth, they may order tests such as a biopsy, X-ray, or CT scan.
Does the HPV vaccine prevent oral lesions?
The HPV vaccine was created to prevent cervical cancer and other cancers of the reproductive system, however, it could also prevent oropharyngeal cancers, as it protects against the types of HPV that affect the mouth and throat.
Ideally, the vaccine should be received between the ages of 11 and 12. But the CDC also recommends vaccination for everyone up to the age of 26.
Adults between the ages of 27 and 45 who are not yet vaccinated can also do so. Although it is known that there are fewer benefits because you may have already had contact with the virus.
The vaccination against HPV prevents new infections, but will not treat existing ones, reason why it is more effective given before any exposure to the virus.
Other ways to prevent HPV in the mouth
Other ways to protect against HPV in the mouth include using condoms or dental dams during practices such as oral sex, although the virus could be on the surrounding skin, so the risk is decreased, but not completely.
It is important to stop smoking and drinking excessively, as they are factors that contribute to the development of oropharyngeal cancers.
Most cases of HPV in the mouth improve on their own without the need for treatment in a period of two years, without causing harm to health, but it is best to make sure you do not have it by visiting the doctor regularly and if necessary, doing tests to detect it early.
Sex with HPV
Receiving a diagnosis of HPV does not have to mean that you give up your pleasant sex life, simply, you must be aware of the following:
Periodic tests
Since HPV can be present in any sexually active person even if they look healthy, it is very important to have regular check-ups that include cytological tests.
If a person has the virus, the safest thing is that the partner with whom they have sexual intercourse also has it, so both should go for the necessary tests and follow the doctor’s recommendations.
Talk about the topic as a couple.
Obviously, in order for both of you to exercise proper precautions when having sex with HPV, it is important that you discuss the subject with an open and honest conversation.
Educate yourself on the subject, ask your sexologist in Delhi and do not get carried away by false beliefs. Telling your partner that we have an STI can generate mistrust, suspicion and resentment, but remember that the responsibility belongs to both, so mutual support is essential.
Put the blame aside
The Association for Sexual Health in the United States points out that when talking to a couple about having HPV there should be no feeling of guilt, nor the feeling that a mistake is being confessed.
The people with HPV may be stigmatized, but be aware that it is a very common and easily spread in most cases does not cause major problems if virus is monitored.
Avoid relationships until the virus is controlled
It is best not to have sex with HPV until the virus is under control. This can be achieved by doing the relevant tests to know the type of virus strain we have. And if it is causing problems such as lesions on the cervix or warts.
If the strain is not aggressive, it is possible to have sex with a condom. Especially if we have new partners. However, only the doctor can give you the appropriate recommendations for your specific case.
In the case of oral sex, it will also be necessary to practice it only with the use of condoms or dental dams, since some types of HPV can infect the mouth and throat as well.
The vaccines against HPV are recommended for both men and women and although the ideal is to apply at age 11, it is also possible to apply to older.
As you can see, you can enjoy sex with HPV, although prevention is best, so try to use a condom in all your sexual encounters, maintain good genital hygiene, but above all, go to your check-ups with the gynecologist or urologist to make yourself tests that rule out any sexual health problems.