Mymaximconnect Com
![Mymaximconnect Com](
Are you looking for Mymaximconnect Com Then, here is the solution you are looking for. You was searching a while and couldn’t found for Mymaximconnect Com links. Now you are right place we have updated our database regarding Mymaximconnect Com login pages.
Joomla has a lot of built-in modules you can use on your website. A log-in form is one of the most powerful Joomla built-in modules. You can use log-in forms for things like membership sites. In this article you are going to learn how to create a log-in form on Joomla 1.5.
Step 1
Go to Extensions and then click “Module Manager” from the main Joomla admin menu.
Step 2
To add a new module click “New”.
Step 3
Click on “Log-in” from the modules list.
Step 4
Enter the title. You can enter something like “Log-in”. Make sure enabled is set to “Yes” and then choose your position.
Step 5
Under Module Parameters, enter “Pre-text” if you want to. The information you enter here will appear on top of your form. You should enter information that gives more details about the form to the visitor.
Step 6
Still under “Module Parameters”, enter “Post-text” if you want to. Information on the post-text will appear at the bottom of the form.
Step 7
Choose “Log-in Redirection Page” if you want. This is the page visitors will be redirected to when they login. You can make it a welcome page or whatever you want.
Step 8
Choose “Logout Redirection Page” if you want. The log-out redirection page is where people will be redirected to when they logout.
Step 9
Set Greeting to “No” if you don’t want the greetings message to appear when people log-in. Then choose to display people’s names or user-names when they log-in.
Set “Encrypt Login Form” to “No”. You should set it to “Yes” if you have a server with SSL.
That’s it for our tutorial on how to create a log-in form on Joomla.
I heard someone say that if you are not on Facebook than you are not in this world.
Facebook is a social networking site that was launched in 2004. Over the years it has become so popular attracting more than 500 million users all over the world. People have met on Facebook after loosing each other for many years. By chatting and sharing pictures, people can stay connected regardless of the point they may be in the world. It is a social site that has changed the face of communication for the last six years.
To be able to use the social network site and be able to send pictures, chat with friends, invite or search for friends, you must open an account. It takes less than two minutes to set up a free Facebook account.
So how do you login in to Facebook?
First, you have to have an e-mail account and a password to let you into your Facebook account.
Today, users of Facebook in public surfing space face the risk of exposing their accounts to a second party logging into their accounts without their consent. While using public computers, they often forget to log out from their accounts when they are leaving the computer or they forget to unclick the keep me logged in box while logging into their accounts.
What happens is that the next person who will sit on the same computer will have all the rights and access to change your passwords, delete your pictures, or even post anything on your wall.
To protect your Facebook Login on public computers avoid clicking the keep me logged in the box when logging into your Facebook account. When you close your Facebook page by clicking on the top right corner, anyone who will sit on the same computer will have to re-enter the password of your account as Facebook will have closed your previous session. Since the next computer user hardly knows your password, your account will be protected.
The introduction of new browsers, it has made logging in much easier by enabling the browser to remember all the details you enter whenever you sign in to a new account. When using public computers, it is not advisable to allow the browser to remember your password. The login details will be saved allowing anyone with some computer knowledge t take advantage of this feature on the browser to login into your Facebook account.
Asking for assistance in cyber cafes is a common thing if you get stuck or the computer happens to have a problem. It is good to note that you can not trust everybody in every cyber café. If you have problems logging into your account, it would be preferable if you consulted the administrator of the cyber café rather than the person sited next to your city break. Once you expose your logging credentials to a second party you risk your Facebook being accessed by the very same person whom you asked help from.