Make Rides Safer With These Safety Features For Your Uber Clone App

Whenever a business provides a service to people that has even the remotest possibility to endanger their lives, it is the responsibility of the service provider to make sure that their users remain safe at all times.
Not making the safety of their users a priority will not only put their lives in danger but will also mean the doom of that business. Uber’s popularity also lies in the fact that it provides uber safety features that will ensure that their users have a smooth experience.
If you also want to invest in uber clone app development, you must keep in mind that providing safety features is of prime importance.
The next question in your mind will be – What safety features should you provide in the app?
But don’t worry! This article is going to discuss exactly that.
Rider Safety Features to Add in Your Uber Clone App
1. Share Info With Contacts
The first feature that you can provide your riders is an option to create a list of contacts that they trust. As soon as they book a ride, they will be able to share the ride details with that list along with details of the car and the driver.
The feature should be such that it must allow people in the trusted contact list to track the ride. This way, if any mishap occurs, they would be able to alert the emergency services. Also, even if nothing happens, it would be psychologically reassuring to the rider that someone is watching over them.
2. Driver Profile
So, the ride is booked and the rider has shared it with their trusted contacts. But the first step towards safety is being alert yourself. For this, they must be able to know the details about the driver.
Here, you can provide them a feature in your uber clone app that will allow the rider to know the following details about the driver-
- Ratings and reviews by other riders
- Experience of the driver
- Number of trips completed by the driver
A similar feature must be given to the driver too to find out the rating of a particular rider that previous drivers have given. That will be useful in the case of female drivers to prevent them from getting harassed by riders.
3. Phone Number Anonymization
Even if the rider is satisfied with the details of the driver and decides to continue with the ride, you can provide them with an additional layer of security. You can do this by not displaying their personal number to the driver when they call or text him.
You can add a feature in your uber like app where the rider can contact the driver by providing an in-app call or text feature.
4. Real-Time ID Check
Sometimes during rush hour or when someone is in a hurry, they might get inside the wrong cab. Even after being satisfied with the details of the driver after booking the cab, riders can sometimes miss verifying if the cab or the driver that arrived is the one that was shown in the app.
To avoid this, you can provide a real-time ID check feature in your uber clone app. In this feature, you can provide a photo of the driver when the details are sent to the rider. This way, they will be able to verify if the driver is the same by verifying the photo with the actual person.
5. Speed Limit Alerts
It is possible that during a ride, the driver might unknowingly go over the speed limit. It could happen on an empty road or a highway, and it is completely understandable if that happens unintentionally.
But still, it is not safe at all. Therefore, you can add a feature to your uber clone app that will alert both the driver and the rider that the vehicle has crossed the speed limit.
This will not only help in avoiding accidents but will also save a lot of time by preventing the driver from getting pulled over by traffic police.
6. Customer Support
At times, a situation may arise when the rider might need help after the ride gets over. For example, they may forget some of their belongings in the cab by mistake or when they are in a hurry. In that case, if a rider has to report an incident or needs help during the ride, it would be helpful to them if you provide customer support 24X7.
People will feel secure and at ease to use your service if they are sure that you will provide them support at all times of the day. This could turn out to be a big factor in the success of your uber like app.
7. Emergency Assistance
In case of a major emergency like an accident or misbehavior on the part of the driver, sometimes it is not possible to call or text someone. In that case, if you provide a feature that will automatically alert the emergency services, it can help in saving the life of a person.
You can add an emergency button to your app. If pressed, it will automatically alert the local emergency services and also give the live location of the rider. Such rider safety features will be appreciated by the users and will give a boost to the usage of your uber clone app.
8. Safety Toolkit
The above-mentioned safety features are likely to improve the confidence and trust of users in your brand. But there is one important thing that you must keep in mind. To provide safety features is one thing, and to make them accessible is a completely different aspect of user experience.
All safety features will be rendered useless by a bad UI design if it makes it difficult for riders to access them during an emergency. To overcome this, you can add all the safety features at a commonplace and provide a button to access them on the homepage of your uber clone app. The user can keep the screen with all the safety features open during the ride.
In Conclusion
You must have realized after reading this article that adding safety features to your uber like app will not only help your users but will also facilitate the growth of your business and a positive brand image. If you want to add these features, feel free to contact us. Our developers are experts in uber clone app development and will help you understand the entire development process.