Buy Gorgeous Alstroemeria Online – Growing Guide

Alstroemeria, also known as Peruvian Lilies, the Lily of the Incas, Princess Lilies, Parrot Beak, is a tuberous rooted herbaceous perennial plant. Alstroemeria plants belong to the family known as the Alstroemeriaceae. There are fifty species and one hundred and sixty hybrids of the Alstroemeria widely spread around South America, other countries like Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.
There are many varieties of Alstroemerias, ranging from the low dwarf varieties reaching a height of 30cm to tall varieties. At Spring, Alstroemerias form a clump of upright stems with lanced shaped mild to dark green leaves depending on the variety. The flowering season of Alstroemeria is from mid to late Spring through Summer. The flower colours are white, orange, apricot, green, purples, pinks, and reds, with various markings on the flower. These plants prefer full sunlight to part shade in warmer climates and a moderately fertile position, well-drained.
Appearance Of Alstroemeria
Alstroemeria is a herbaceous perennial that grows from a fleshy root system and has glossy leaves around the upright stem. Flowers turn out on the top of the stem from around spring right through to autumn.
The flowers are lily orchid-like with many petals and emerge in a similar array of colours: cream, yellow, orange, pink, and red. They also often feature spots, dots, stripes, and two tones of colors, like lilies.
Benefits of Growing Alstroemeria
Alstroemeria plants need low maintenance after being rooted. You can plant larger varieties of Alstroemeria at the back of garden beds to bring bursts of colour in pots or containers. They make excellent cut flowers, particularly the taller varieties sought by florists for their long stems. Alstroemeria cut flowers are good to keep in a vase that has a life of over two weeks. The Alstroemeria flowers are not fragrant, which means they are good for allergy sufferers.
Alstroemeria has been planted usually to bring long-term colour to mixed garden beds. Furthermore, you can also use it in a line of single or mixed colours as a border for a garden.
The new smaller growing forms are very good in pots, and as they flower for such a long period, they’re great for decorating entrances and entertaining outdoor areas. It means they are also great if you have limited garden space.
Peruvian lilies are exceptionally good as cut flowers to be kept in a vase, as they will last well for several weeks.
Caring for your Alstroemeria
Your Alstroemeria plant does not need much work, but you’ll benefit from more flowers if you continuously deadhead your plants. Continuous deadheading means continuous flowers in your garden. Look for items that have finished flowering and that are starting to set seed pods. Grab these stems close to the ground, and pull from the base.
Repotting alstroemerias
Container-grown plants will need repotting every two years as a minimum. Lift and shake off most of the old potting mix and plant into a larger container or divide the clump by gently prising it apart, and then plant the sections into individual containers.
It is best to feed your Alstroemeria that will produce a constant run of flowers. You can do this with a slow-release fertiliser, which should cover the entire flowering period. Water these precious plants regularly and feed them with organic compost for their best growth.
Diseases and pests
Another bonus of this long-flowering beauty is that it is rarely troubled by pests or diseases. Always keep your eye for the usual insects like aphids, whiteflies and caterpillars and control with a garden insecticide if necessary. It is good to look out for slugs, snails and aphids and protect your alstroemerias from frosts.
You can buy Alstroemeria online in Australia in 9cm little pots. The gardeners can plant on, either straight into the garden or larger containers. Your Alstroemeria plants will burst with energy when they arrive, ready to double in size within 3-4 weeks during the growing season.
Buy Alstroemeria online from various, including original British bred Parigo varieties, the Colorita (Princess) series, Inca series, the planet series and the Inticancha collection. All of this is available at a quite reasonable price so that everyone can have their own glorious and lush plants set up at their loving abode.
Online stores offer a wide assortment of plants, and they are promptly accessible.