Blogging Mistakes That Should Be Avoided
Blogging is not an old term. At first, people would only write stuff regarding their views on events happening around us. It was like a newspaper that has one’s personalized view on an event. But it has evolved from then. Now people don’t write only about events but also other helpful and informative things as well.
More than all this now it can also generate revenue. Yeah, you heard it right. At first, people wrote it only out of interest and many even thought that it was a waste of time but now it’s different. Now there are various platforms that allow you to utilize to earn money through ads and reads. Like Vocal, Medium, Blogger, WordPress, etc. In other words, you can earn from home online through them.
Besides this, blogging has also become a powerful marketing tool to build traffic and improve site running in the digital platform. Many even pay to publish an article about their business to well-known blogs. Also, various sites that have nothing related to it have blogs just to improve their ranking in the search engine. Like Fiverr, Patreon, Streaming Plug, AWS, etc. have nothing to do with blogs but still have them as it increases the traffic of their domain and helps in getting a higher ranking in search engines.
After learning all this you must be pretty interested in blogging by now. But here’s the thing people think that it’s easy and tend to make mistakes that might ruin your hard work. So let me give you a little heads up about some of these mistakes.
# Writing without thinking about your target audience
Blogs were originally personalized views of events. But things have changed. If you want to write a blog about a certain topic to your target audience you have to think about how would they feel about it. Don’t feel it with content that satisfies only your interest keep the target audience in mind while doing it. Cause in some cases it might work out but in various cases, it might result in a conflict of interest with your target audience. And that’s something that you wanna avoid at all costs. And that’s especially true if you are to write blogs for marketing purposes.
Since it’s in your best interest to have a friendly connection to your audience to increase the traffic of your site and get positive feedback in the process.
# Not having a proper schedule
In many cases, it’s seen that many beginner bloggers tend to write whenever they feel like it. Which is one of the most common and deadliest mistakes there is. Cause if you are new you have to write frequently as much as possible as people don’t know you. And having a proper schedule can be very useful for such a purpose. If you were to organize everything in a timely manner not only will it help you to be more efficient and active but also help you to gain more loyal readers as well.
# Writing outside of target niche scope
This is a common mistake that occurs many times among beginner bloggers. As it’s very easy to deviate from your niche if you are trying to cover a large variety of topics to please your readers. At first, it might seem like a viable option but when you try doing this unknowingly your blog will deviate from its intended purpose. That effecting the niche altogether. So it’s best to target a specific topic related to your niche so that such deviations can be avoided. Which would help you to reach your target audience more efficiently.