Today I am going to share some good tips and tricks for social bookmarking to get a better result in SERP. I got the idea to write this post when I was reading @AnkitKrSingla’s blog, and I am a regular reader of his blog and want to say thanks to the bottom of my heart.
We all know about browser bookmarking. If you are not aware of this, don’t worry after reading this blog you will definitely understand. Katienicholl
When we are surfing on the internet and like any webpage which you would like to use in the future but do not want to remember, in that case, you can bookmark it by pressing Ctrl’D.
This bookmark will be stored in your browser, and you will be able to use it anytime on the same system from where you bookmarked it. But if you want to use the same link on another system, then what will you do?
At that time Social Bookmarking will help you. Social bookmarking is a unique way to store special or favorite web pages on the internet and access it anywhere in the world via an internet connection.
Now you think but how it will help us in SEO?
Google and other search engines are always giving rank to that site which website has a bunch of quality backlinks. In the search engine eyes, bookmarking sites are a quality backlink. So, if you store your website or you can say if you bookmark your website in bookmarking site, SE will count that link as a quality backlink.
Another question is how many bookmark submissions will work for ranking?
This question’s answers will be depended on the keywords you have targeted.
Actually, after panda and penguin updates, everybody knows google believes in Quality backlinks, not in Quantity. So, focus more on building a quality backlink.
The next question would be, Can I submit the same link in the same bookmarking site?
If you are posting one link on the same bookmarking site, it would be counted as spamming. So, don’t try to post the same link into the same bookmarking site.
You can submit your inner pages to the same website but submit it to limited bookmarking sites like stumble upon, Reddit, delicious, Digg, etc…
If you submit to the same bookmarking site, you will get a backlink from the same site IP. So, don’t do it.
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Some tips to keep in mind submission:
Post on site which gives you FOLLOW link.
Use one bookmarking website for one link.
Don’t do bookmark submission more than 20-25 in a day.
Use your primary keyword in the bookmark title, the rest of the keywords use in Tags.
Every time uses different description for each site.
Check the IP of the website to avoid the same backlink structure.
Note: FOLLOW links are also beneficial for the traffic to your website or blog.
My Next article is on 100% working social bookmarking sites and I am testing all bookmarking sites personally.
Thank you for reading my post and if you think still there is something I forgot, just let me know by commenting or by tweeting me at @freeguestblog.
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Read More: Katienicholl